Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pityriasis Rosea

Chances are, you've never heard of this skin nastiness - I say this because I've never heard of it and now it is ALL OVER MY BODY.

I can't tell you how gross I feel right now. Google it. Look at the images. I know you want to see what it looks like. It's gross.

Here. Have some information:

Pityriasis rosea

Last reviewed: October 28, 2010.
Pityriasis rosea is a common type of skin rash seen in young adults.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Pityriasis rosea is believed to be caused by a virus. It occurs most often in the fall and spring.
Although pityriasis rosea may occur in more than one person in a household at a time, it is not thought to spread from one person to another.


Attacks most often last 4 - 8 weeks. Symptoms may disappear by 3 weeks or last as long as 12 weeks.
The rash starts with a single large patch called a herald patch. After several days, more skin rashes will appear on the chest, back, arms, and legs.
The skin rashes:
  • Are often pink or pale red
  • Are oval in shape
  • May be scaly
  • May follow lines in the skin or appear in a "Christmas tree" pattern
  • May itch

Signs and tests

Your health care provider can usually diagnose pityriasis rosea by the way the rash looks.
Rarely, the following tests are needed:
  • A blood test to be sure it is not a form of syphilis, which can cause a similar rash
  • A skin biopsy to confirm the diagnosis

Tuesday, July 5, 2011



Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. They worked! xo

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


My birthday was yesterday. I turned 33. I celebrated all day with friends and coworker friends and calls with my family. It was a great day.

This morning I am 33 and one day and I had a biopsy done on my left breast.

A couple weeks ago I complained to a few people I had some severe pain in my left breast. It was around my period, so I didn't really think much of it, because if your boobs are gonna hurt, that would be the time, but then it really started to hurt. I couldn't put any pressure on it. I usually sleep on my tummy and I couldn't even do that. I had to lay on my right side.

Yesterday while I was in the shower, I happened to graze my left breast and felt a hard, protruding lump on the bottom half of my breast. I freaked out. I called my doctor. I made an appointment for today.

Each doctor that has seen me today (I've seen 4) can feel the lump. The first doctor I saw, my OBGYN, said it could be a cyst filled with liquid (bacteria). She attempted to extract liquid from it by poking me with a needle and couldn't draw anything. She sent me to a breast surgeon 3 floors up. I waited an hour and 45 minutes for the breast surgeon to fit me in and see me, until finally a PA (physicians assistant) appeared and told me we had to do a sonogram. The sonogram had lots of dark spots and shadows and it was confirmed I had no fluid filled masses. The breast surgeon finally came in and asked to do a biopsy. Fives samples were taken from my left breast. I will know in 3 - 5 days if I have cancer or don't have cancer. 50% chance cancer. 50% chance not cancer.

I am back at work now and decided to tell my boss (also a friend) what was going on.
That's when I broke down. I am trying not to freak out but this whole experience is not pleasant. The waiting and the worrying. My boss reminded me I have people who love me and I live in a first world country where we have some pretty smarty pants doctors if anything is wrong.

This alleviates my fears, at least for a little bit.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Treat: Watermelon Margaritas

via Design Within Reach & SeriousEats.com

Friday, May 20, 2011

Follow Me

I am taking a hiatus from the blog.
Follow me on twitter @ceelolabee to get the 411

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Taco Tuesday Twist

Mexican Rice, Corn, and Cheese Casserole
2 tsp canola oil   

1 medium green pepper(s), seeded and chopped   

6 medium scallion(s), chopped   
2 clove(s) (medium) garlic clove(s), finely chopped   
1 Tbsp Cajun seasoning   
1 cup(s) uncooked white rice, long-grain   

14 1/2 oz canned stewed tomatoes, chopped   

14 oz vegetable broth   

8 oz frozen onions, about (2 cups)   

1 1/2 cup(s) frozen corn kernels, whole   

2 Tbsp Las Palmas Diced green chiles, mild, or other brand   

1 medium tomato(es), finely diced   
2 cups low-fat shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup cilantro, fresh, chopped   
Preheat the oven to 350°F.
 Heat the oil in a large Dutch oven or flameproof and ovenproof casserole over
 medium-high heat. 
Add the bell pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 5
Add the scallions, garlic, and Cajun seasoning. Cook, stirring occasionally, 
until the scallions are soft, about 2 minutes. 
Add the rice, stirring until well coated.
Stir the tomatoes, broth, onions, corn, and chiles into the casserole; 
bring to a boil. 
Remove from the heat and cover. 
Bake until most of the liquid is absorbed and the rice and vegetables are tender,
 about 20 minutes.
 Remove the cover, then sprinkle the casserole with the tomato and cheese. 
Return to the oven and bake, uncovered, until the cheese melts, 
about 5 minutes longer. 
Serve the casserole sprinkled with the cilantro. 
Yields generous 1 cup per serving.

Note: There is no need to thaw the corn or onions. Simply add them to the mixture frozen (step 3).

Monday, April 25, 2011

Not My Best Decision

On Friday I decided to take a half day. My boss and his wife sponsor a team for Race For The Cure every year and as extra incentive to join, he gave all his employees a half day extra to use. So I took mine on Good Friday. Had lunch with some coworkers at Highland Bakery (which I never go to because I'm never willing to stand in it's ridiculous lines on the weekend), got a mani-pedi, did some vintage shopping, went to the craft store, did a whole lot of nothing. Saturday I got up early to clean up and move some furniture because my media center was finally delivered. It looks so good and I'm so proud of myself. It's my first real piece of furniture. I have a couch and a coffee table and some bookcases and the regular pieces but my media center says to me "you did it!" the most. Got nearly 8 inches chopped off my head - just because. Went shopping for odds and ends for the house afterwards. Got organized. Cleaned more. Went to Target, bought some movies. By Easter Sunday I was so bored I didn't know what to do with myself. Can't call Yones anymore, he lives in NYC. Missing him so much. All other friends were out of town or had plans. I've learned my lesson. Go where your friends and/or family are for Easter Sunday. Seriously lonely.